Pastoral Musings from Rain City

it's about 'what is church?' it's about whether 'emergent' is the latest Christian trend or something more substantial. it's musing on what it means to live the city, in America, in community, intergenerationally, at this time in history...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Getting into the Bible...

Per the sermon of June 24th... Here are a few ways of feeding yourself in the Bible...

1. Daily devotional readings from various sections
2. Reading the through the Bible in one year - or slower
3. Lectio Divina
4. A daily verse, with a cute little story (not my favorite... but better than watching sitcom reruns)
5. a boatload of devotional choices - some are really good, some aren't - but if you really want to get into the habit...there will be something here for you!

I'd recommend staying away from devotionals produced by people with a theological ax to grind, whether that ax is political, social, holiness, eschatology, or any other thing. For this reason, I have a strong bias towards #'s 1,2,3 above. Pithy commentaries on a passage may blind you to the living nature of the word, and prevent you from hearing what God is seeking to say to you. On the other hand, it's incredibly valuable to hear what others are saying about particular passages, so I'd caution against cutting oneself off from listening to other's interpretations. Such isolation has been the source of both reformation, and heresy.

Most important though.... is the thought of developing a regular habit of feeding on the Word, for it is in the process of showing up that we are granted the context for our own transformation. Blessings to you as you begin, or continue, on the adventure that awaits all of us as we step into the stream of God's activity.

Feel free to share:
1. other devotional material that works for you
2. barriers to regular Bible study that you have or have had
3. how you're working to overcome them.


At 24/6/07 19:53, Blogger Mike Lu said...

Hi Richard--
I'm curious if you have any resources which includes some academic/scholarly/contextual research on a given passage of the Bible. It really helps me to have some background when I'm trying to interpret a given passage.

I realize there's a fallicy here in using academic research to interpret a passage (e.g. research itself can be slanted), but I find that it offers some interesting perspective and depth nonetheless.


At 24/6/07 22:17, Blogger Bob Boeshaar said...

A good devotional I have found is Encounter With God published by Scripture Union. It has a good blend of scholarly commentary and devotional thoughts regarding the text. It also systematically takes you through the Bible (I think it goes through the entire Bible in a 6-year cycle). Right now I am reading through Ezekiel and it is nice to have the commentary. I also like the fact that the commentators are from around the world and come from different perspectives. You can get a free sample at

Scripture Union is a non-denominational, Christ-centred international movement, founded in 1867, working in partnership with individuals and churches across the world. It is based in the United Kingdom.

Bob Boeshaar

At 25/6/07 06:24, Blogger nach said...

An interesting article in the Stanger that features Bethany... among others:


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